Lost Camp Fire Girl ceremonial gown
I grew up a Camp Fire Girl, camping, earning beads for crafts, cooking, and learning stuff, like how to bowl or make campfires or play chess. When a Camp Fire Girl reaches high school, she designs and sews her own ceremonial gown. Mine had a leather collar with fringe and on it; I sewed all those colored beads I had earned in lovely patterns. When I wore it, I felt like a different person. An adult I trusted borrowed it, and I never got it back. I ordered some Camp Fire beads on Ebay, but of course, they weren't MINE, so they sit in a drawer.
Lisa Lister
Lisa Lister
Response from OMF
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for sending your story! Your gown sounds like a beautiful, priceless piece of art. What a shame to lose it! I hope you have a photo to help you remember it.
Thank you so much for sending your story! Your gown sounds like a beautiful, priceless piece of art. What a shame to lose it! I hope you have a photo to help you remember it.