Dear Fashion Feline:
I am so psyched that I get to meet up with my girlfriends in Orlando and see the opening game of the Orlando Magic!
One of my friend's boyfriends is a sports agent, and he says the whole trip is "on him"! But I have a terrible time with sexy casual...Help! And I'd love to go shopping but I have no money, EXCEPT for my Kohl's charge card. So, dear Fashionista, can I put together a sexy "game" outfit from Kohl's? Any suggestions for outfits?--Thanks so much! --Bri
Dear Bri:
So you’ll be just fine with Kohl’s. Vera Wang does a line for them with tons of cool stuff. I’d get these coated skinny jeans—coated jeans are hot right now—or any skinny jean you like.
Then I’d head to the juniors department to look for a top. Jennifer Lopez also does a sexy line of tops for Kohl's.
Better yet, I’d buy an Orlando Magic t-shirt for the game--they’re only about $30--and you'll be one of the fans.
Wish I could join you so I could get a piece of that giant mouse at Disney Land! Have an awesome trip! --FF