"He wants to get something that will make him smile because you really showed that you
know him."
It’s that time of year again. And the age old question remains: what do you get a dad for Father’s Day? With me being well…a dad, I thought that would make me a bit of an expert on such matters. So ladies, (and NOT gentlemen) boys and girls, what will you get Pop for his very special day. It’ll definitely be something that says, “Thanks for a job well done!”
By now you should know the old man quite well! What is it that he’s always talking about not necessarily needing, but rather wanting? Here’s your big hint: he wants to get something that would make him smile because you really showed that you know him.
So, unless he wants another tie or that sweater you think would spice up his wardrobe, don’t go down that road.
Here are a few ideas of items he may want for his grand day! Take this word to the wise: these items may be something that I’m looking forward to at the beginning of next week.
And just like a dad, he can’t be duplicated!
You really can’t go wrong with electronics. Most guys (including you dads) love anything tech. It could be a computer, camera, fancy watch, or maybe even a game. This harkens back to what dad really wants. If I were to geek out for Sunday and I had a choice in the matter, you’d see me with something like this Polaroid camera. The analog has made resurgence and you have to love it. It speaks from an era that in some ways I wish we still had culturally. I’m an old-fashioned kind of dad!
Seek out timeless fashion pieces. Since this post is being featured on Open Mind Fashion, here's a fashionable yet inexpensive idea. If you want to get a great deal, go to etsy.com. You’ll find things new and previously worn articles super cheap. Look at this previously worn chocolate leather coat for 22 bucks.
Bottom line it doesn't matter what you get him. It doesn't matter how much it costs. Above all else make sure that on Father’s Day you put a little thought into it. Because in the end all that matters is that you’re together on his favorite day of the year. Oh yeah! All I really want is to get the new “Man of Steel” score by Hans Zimmer on CD and listen to it with my sons. Why is that? Because the movie moved us all. As Jor-El told his son throughout the many different incarnations of Superman, “The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son.”