The words above appear across the chests of athletic t-shirts from Nike, Adias, & New Balance. My kids love them.
I don't.
I know that maybe the sayings are meant to be tongue-in-cheek (are they?). Or maybe they're meant to psyche out the opponent. Maybe they're meant to pump up the athletes wearing them, charge them to live up to the claims?
To me, they look like self-promotion, self-flattery, & arrogance.
Your coach is supposed to tell you you're all that--you're not supposed to tell yourself. Right?
We need confidence in ourselves, but shouldn't it be on the inside?
But maybe they're just meant to be funny. I don't know. And they may just be a novelty. After a short while, the words will seem cliché, & we won't even notice them anymore. And, no matter what, you're sure to get razzed for wearing one.
Please let me know what you think. Would you buy them for your kids? Would you wear one?