I can remember distinctly the first time I went to the London Victory Club in downtown Tampa, Florida. In this chic, dark nightclub, my friend pointed out that I would never fit in if I kept smiling so much--I needed to look angry or at least serious to be cool. As I roam websites, I stare back at the dour models at Zara, the posing supermodels at Victoria's Secret, the laughing women on the Boden site, the travelers at Eddie Bauer, & the girls working out at Athleta. My question today is whether you're more enticed to buy clothing from serious-expressioned models or from those smiling & actively running around. | It has only become commonplace to smile in photographs in the past 50 years or so. In old photos, people usually kept a straight face. |
& most always smiling >>
a workout or yoga session. She looks relaxed.
I realize all these images have to do with branding; each company creates its own special presence by the way the models appear. But each company is also trying to create a reflection of you, how you see yourself. Our goal in buying clothes is almost always to find something that best reflects who we think we really are or who we wish to become.
So who are you?: a traveler, a yoga girl, a goof, or a serious type? Do you smile most of the time (when you see others or your photo is taken)? Which images most appeal to you?